Helpchat Refer and Earn: By referring friends both you and your friends will get Rs.100 referral bonus on their first cab ride. You can earn upto Rs.1000 by referring friends.
How To Earn on Helpchat:
(Must use the above link to get Rs.100 as joining bonus)
2. Now install and open the app
3. Enter your mobile number and verify it
4. Now go to explore tab in the app and select OLA or UBER option
5. Then connect your OLA or UBER account with the Helpchat app and book a ride worth Rs.80
6. Now apply the coupon CAB50 at the time of booking to get 50% cash back
7. After completing your ride by Helpchat app, you will get Rs.40 cashback + Rs.100 Signup bonus to your account
Refer & Earn :
- Top on profile icon at the right side of the screen you'll find Refer and Earn option
- Click on it and you'll be immediately getting your referral link
- Copy the link and share with your friends
- As soon as your friends installs the app and books his/her first ride worth Rs.80 or more you'll get Rs.100 as referral bonus
Terms & Conditions :
- For referral you'll get Rs.100
- Maximum referral cashback is Rs.1000
- Valid only for android handsets
- Your friend must download and install the app using your referral link
- Minimum Cab ride amount must be equal or more than Rs.80
- It is applicable for only new users
- Only applicable on cab rides
- Helpchat reserves the right to, without liability or prejudice to any of its other rights, at any time,with previous notice and from time to time
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